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Thursday, December 09, 2004

Junk DNA: Don't bet on it

Junk DNA, long strands that scientists thought served no useful function but were considered to left-over from evolutions are no longer believed to be junk.

The long strands of DNA for which scientists found no use, now seem to play a role in genes. Read the article for more.

The lesson: Because scientists could not find the use of these DNA strands, they immediately deemed them junk. A little humility then and more research would have let the scientists discover the true nature. Arrogance, that's no junk.

1 comment:

Andy Ilachinski said...

I suspect that a significant portion of the "junk" DNA will turn out to be the underlying "code" for human arrogance;-)

Unless one is born with it, humility generally comes with wisdom; and humanity has been around for far too short a time to have had time to gain anything approaching "wisdom"...ergo, we *know* we know everything.

Thanks for posting youyr thoughts, Dr. Mazel; in your own way, you are helping the human animal attain at least some semblance of enlightenment.