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Friday, August 24, 2007

Plagiarism in physics

From Ars Mathematica I learned about an article at Ars Technica describing a scandal involving plagiarism of theoretical physics papers by about 20 different people, some of them students at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara. Many of the papers were refereed and published in well-known journals, and one made it into what is now perhaps the most well-known particle theory journal, the Journal of High Energy Physics.

The rest of the post gives more detail and quotes.

Frankly, I think this just shows the greed in people.
According to Dr. Sarioglu, [faculty member at METU] two of the authors of this paper were graduate students with a prodigious track record of publication: over 40 papers in a 22-month span.
Think about those numbers. That's almost two papers a month. Incredible. To do that kind of work as graduate students, who generally work for themselves without students under them, is too good to be true; and it was, obviously.

My question is: Where was the faculty advisor?

If you go to the link above, check out the comments for more insights.

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