This review originally appeared in the Mathematical Association of America's Book Reviews and is available here.
(My special thanks to the MAA for having
my reviews. If you are interested in mathematical books and general science books, check their
reviews for insightful criticisms and comments.
I am still having to learn how to use equations with MathJax in my postings so they do not look as they should. I have to work on this.)
I am still having to learn how to use equations with MathJax in my postings so they do not look as they should. I have to work on this.)
computers are ubiquitous are they accurate at what they do? Can we trust them
to compute and work as we expect? Much of science is based on computer
simulations and yet computers are, in fact, limited, prone to numerical errors
(by design!), and their results require checks and re-checks. If you don’t
believe this then read Mr. Kneusel’s Numbers
and Computers.
book is, on one level, a discussion of how computers work with numbers. It
tells how computers represent numbers such as integers, floating point numbers,
big integers, decimals, and what is more, how one can write his own routines to
operate on numbers. The book is filled with C-code and Python code so the
reader can implement the routines to create his own library of number
manipulation subroutines, change the bit representations of numbers, and simply
understand how program calls, that programmers, engineers, mathematicians, etc.
may take for granted, actually work. And if that’s all you want from the book,
you will be quite happy. Mr. Kneusel’s writing is clear, well-organized, easy
to follow, easy to implement, and a wonderful learning experience.
a deeper level this book shows the limitations of computers. Many of us know there
have always been the limits imposed by changing data types, such as floats to
integers. But what about the limits of binary itself? Mr. Kneusel tells the
story of how a slight numerical representation error was fatal to 28 soldiers.
Here is a paraphrased version of the story:
February 25, 1991, a scud missile hit a US Army barracks in Dharan, Saudi
Arabia. The missile could have been intercepted except it was never fired. The
Patriot battery protecting the barracks failed to launch an interceptor because
the computer thought the missile was out of range by about half-kilometer. The
error was tracked to a small programming issue. The program kept time in steps
of 0.1 seconds and used a 24-bit fixed-point float to represent that increment.
However, 0.1 is not perfectly representable in binary and the error is
approximately 0.000000095 seconds. If the Patriot operators would have rebooted
the program frequently, this error may have been tolerable. In fact, Israeli
operators of Patriot batteries noted the error accumulated to a 20% targeting
error after 8-hours of operation. In
this case, the Patriot system had been running for 100-hours causing an error
of 0.34 seconds and a target distance error large enough to keep the interceptor
from launching. The error cost
28-soldiers their lives.
limitations of computers can be even more subtle. Most simulations, and
dynamical systems in particular, rely on feedback to generate states and evolve
systems to predict future behavior. A simple dynamical system that does this is
the logistics equation:
you can implement easily to see the evolution of the variable x. Because
the logistic equation is chaotic for certain values of r, an initial
condition of, say, x1=1.5 or x1=1.50005 are expected to
yield different trajectories. This is the idea of sensitive dependence on
initial conditions, a fundamental behavior of chaotic systems.
what if we keep the same value for r, and x1 and simply change the algebraic
representation of the equation? Will the trajectory change? Mr. Kneusel shows
it will because the computer calculation changes with a change to the equation
format. To see this myself, I wrote the
equations in two different ways:
1 shows the trajectory of x with r=10 and x1=0.1 where I
used floats for the variables and implemented the equation with C on a Raspberry Pi computer.
Figure 1: Logistic
equation implementation in C. The
blue curve corresponds to xi+1=rxi(1.0−xi) and the red curve
corresponds to xi+1=rxi−rxixi
you write the equations in other ways (I tried six) you will see a similar
divergence in the results; no two expressions give the same trajectory. This
observation applies even when I used double precision for the numbers. To quote
Mr. Kneusel: “Which value, if any, is most correct?” Hard to know, isn’t it? Mr.
Kneusel has more to say and other examples in his book.
this makes you wonder about the utility of computers and how to better
understand numerical representations and calculations, you will do well to add
this book to your winter reading list. Happy computing.
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