The study, published in Nature journal, provides the best evidence yet that the distribution of galaxies follows the distribution of dark matter.Scientists have mapped a small part of the sky in terms of the distribution of dark matter. There is reason to believe that this will show that the evolution of galaxies follows this distribution and that dark matter does, indeed, play a unique role in the development of our universe.
Additional article here, original article from Nature here.
1 comment:
Perhaps the reason why the distribution of dark matter seems to "follow" the distribution of normal matter has more to do with the fact that it is distribution of normal matter that allows us to indirectly infer the existence of dark matter than with something fundamental that is really there? A case of being "surprised" to find the reverse of a coin on the "other side of the coin" when we flip it over? ;-) A more accurate way of describing what has been discovered IMHO is that this is what the map of dark matter MIGHT appear like, if our assumptions regarding what dark matter IS (obtained mostly by observing how REAL matter behaves!) are correct.
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