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Thursday, March 30, 2006

Are you boring your friends?

There is now a device that lets users know if they are boring the people they're talking to.

A DEVICE that can pick up on people's emotions is being developed to help people with autism relate to those around them. It will alert its autistic user if the person they are talking to starts showing signs of getting bored or annoyed.

One of the problems facing people with autism is an inability to pick up on social cues. Failure to notice that they are boring or confusing their listeners can be particularly damaging, says Rana El Kaliouby of the Media Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "It's sad because people then avoid having conversations with them."

While developed for people with autism, I have to believe that many folks I know could use this as well.

Seriously, the device is quite interesting in that in uses a tiny camera to recognize facial features in listeners. Score one more for technology!

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