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Friday, March 10, 2006

Exams: How to pass them and a peek at what's wrong with scientists

The scientists, from Washington University in St Louis, found that students understood and retained information more readily when subjected to frequent tests and quizzes while studying than students who simply read material over and over again.

"Our study indicates that testing can be used as a powerful means for improving learning, not just assessing it," said Prof Henry Roediger of the university's psychology department.

So, it's the year 2006 and scientists are just getting around to studying how to teach? I thought teachers knew this already and when I was in school, I had lots of short quizes and then tests and exams. I even remember an algebra class that started everyday with a 5-minute quiz.

When scientist are doing this type of work, and this is how it's reported, I can see why the public at large doesn't support much of what scientists do. It gives the rest of us a bad reputation. Sorry to say that, but it's true.

(Tip: Best of the Web OpinionJournal)

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