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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Heads UP!

What do you see? If you're my pal Andy you probably see an asteroid heading straight for planet Earth. Kiss yourself good-bye!

If you're not him, then maybe you see Janus, one of the moons of Saturn.
Janus orbits Saturn and sometimes trades places with its sister moon Epimetheus. Janus has a largest diameter of about 190 kilometers and while covered with large craters lacks small craters. One possible reason for this is a fine dust that might cover the small moon, a surface also hypothesized for Pandora and Telesto. Pictured above, Janus was captured in front of the cloud tops of Saturn in late September.

If you're like my pal though, you needn't worry. I'm sure we'll find a way to disrupt our lives without need for celestial malfeasance.

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