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Thursday, November 30, 2006

Quantum computers: Pure fantasy

QUANTUM computing will never work. At least, that's the view of one physicist who thinks that unavoidable noise will always stand in its way.

So says Michael Dyakonov of the University of Montpellier in France. The link has a short article about the noise corrections needed will make quantum computers for any reasonable size (in bits) impossible due to noise.


Andy Ilachinski said...

Is this another instance of a "new science", of a new way of doing science? Rather than actually *doing* it (as quantum computer researchers are doing), "researchers" go on record as asserting their reservations about whether the research is fruitful?! I always thought science was trying to do where your thoughts/work/reservations/obervations/experiments lead you? I think one John Horgan let loose on the world of science is enough without others stepping in to help ;-) Science is just fine, thank you; and whether quantum computing succeeds or not, it is for *science* to determine, not the off-the-cuff musings of someone who believes it will not succeed.

Kavalec said...

If God had intended for Quantum States to be used for computation He would have given them 80 columns and a Hollerith code!